Monday, January 31, 2011

Jesse Tree


For the past few years, I have wanted to develop some small family traditions around December that focus us back to our Savior…because sister here needs that focus all year and especially during this crazy month!  I also needed something that

-could keep the attention of a 3 year old and 1 year old

-not make me crazy

-present the story of Christ in a way Ella could understand

-not make me crazy (did I mention this already?)

I came across the Jesse Tree and knew it would be a good fit for us right now!  I also love the 11,895 variations you can find online, so it can grow and change with our family!  This year was the year of coloring and I found the coloring ornaments and daily devotionals here.  It went fairly smoothly and we all learned!  Most importantly, it marked the beginning of family devotions at the table after supper.  That was worth all the cutting!


I have a few of my favorite ornaments stashed in Ella’s keepsake box.  I just love this one of Joseph’s coat of many colors!  She was familiar with the Bible story and colored the coat with her many colors.  Be still my heart!!


we like, we like to party

{Well, here it is the last day of January in a brand new year, and I am already two months behind.  I guess that means we have been living life fully!  Brace yourself for a slew of posts catching us up from Christmas!}

No December is complete without a party!  And let it be known, we like to party!  WE had our annual “Happy Birthday Jesus” party.  I do have pictures of two little lickers bakers helping make Jesus’ cupcakes!

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Ballet Party

That same day, our tiny ballerina had her own Christmas party with her budding ballerinas during dance!  It was precious to sneak a few peeks and watch her get into first position and (her all time favorite) sashay across the floor!  Ella made gingerbread ballerinas for her classmates!



Our church so graciously offers a mom’s group (read: FREE childcare and adult conversation) once a week.  We all love MOCHA days!  It is reprieve from the week; a place where almost losing your mind looks normal!  Love my church ladies!  This year we added a White Elephant fun to our last meeting of the year!  (Wow, looking back at these pics, we were missing so many from the party!)


Family Group Par-tay

No need to explain the love we have for our Family Group!  God has brought EACH of us together in this season of our lives.  He is good like that!  Oh, and we like to eat.



The star of the show, Miss Viv!  This cute thing is the most recent addition to our family group!  She had only been in her forever home just a few weeks!


Present time!


Love this picture of me and two silly boys!
